Our next A&S gathering will be Thursday, September 15th, at 7pm, in the Usual Place: 255 W. 105th St., #21
You are invited to bring any projects you have in progress to work on & share with the other attendees.
We will review our preparations for the upcoming demo at the Cloisters for the Fort Tryon Park Medieval Festival, Sunday, Sept. 18th.
If you have a copy of the songbook, please bring it with you! Lady Godiva d’Mer will print extra copies for those who do not have a printer handy. We will rehearse for our concert at the demo.
I am little too overwhelmed with planning to properly execute the Iron Age feast I mentioned on Facebook earlier, so dinner will be a light repast as with our last few summer meetings: cheese, bread, fruit, etc. Bring to share anything that pleases you, or simply show up. No contribution is required beyond your excellent company.