Sept. 25: Whyt Whey presents the Saturday Night Solar: International Phonetic Alphabet for Heralds

Join the Canton of Whyt Whey’s very own Zahra al-Andalusiyya for a look at IPA for Heralds (and Everyone)!

Are you a herald who’s constantly intimidated by people’s hard-to-pronounce SCA names? Or perhaps you have such a name and are tired of people mispronouncing it? The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is here to help! A standard written system designed to accommodate any sound in any human language, the IPA is used by linguists, philologists, phonologists, polyglots, and hobbyists all over the world. 

Join Zahra al-Andalusiya for a crash course in reading the IPA, and learn to use it to represent your SCA name the way YOU want it pronounced. 

Please join us here:

Zahra [zʌhɾə] (mka Sarah) has a B.A. in Linguistics from Macalester College. (India Pale Ale and other beverages encouraged; please BYO.)

The Saturday Night Solar occurs every other Saturday night at 8:00 PM ET. The Canton of Whyt Whey in the Crown Province of Østgarðr hosts teachers and topics from all over the Known World so that even when we are apart, we can learn together.

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