November 13: Whyt Whey presents the Saturday Night Solar: Documenting 14th and 15th C. Armor

Come join the Canton of Whyt Whey with Boris Tuman of the Barony of the Roaring Wastes in the Midrealm as we discuss the fundamentals of documenting 14th and 15th century armor, and other stuff too, for fun and reenactment!

This class will give you a core understanding of the most important principles of armor documentation, which are also applicable to general garb documentation as well. It will also provide the background knowledge you need when dealing with snooty gatekeepers.

Please join us here:

Boris has been involved with the Barony of Roaring Wastes for a little over a decade, and is a consistent practice attendee at the Legio Draconis fight practice. One of his specialties is the documentation of armor from roughly the 13th to 15th centuries. He has looked over far too many medieval manuscripts for funsies so you don’t have to!

You can find Boris’ slides here:

The Saturday Night Solar occurs every other Saturday night at 8:00 PM ET. The Canton of Whyt Whey in the Crown Province of Østgarðr hosts teachers and topics from all over the Known World so that even when we are apart, we can learn together.

**Please be aware that there will be no Solar the weekend after Thanksgiving, due to the Thanksgiving holiday.**