Get Involved With Whyt Whey!

Folks — As we approach the end of the calendar year and start thinking about the year to come, I wanted to invite anyone who might be interested in getting more involved in the SCA to consider volunteering as an officer or deputy for our canton.

We currently have a full slate of the necessary officers, but I know some folks have served in the same positions for many years and might be ready for a change, and it’s always good to see some fresh talent rotating into our ranks.

One of the best ways to work your way into being a branch officer is to start by volunteering as a deputy to an existing officer, allowing you to learn the ropes and make connections with other folks in leadership roles so you can understand what’s required before committing to a longer term.

And our canton makes a great place to get started, as things are relatively quiet and peaceful in our little corner, but there’s plenty of room for growth at the local or provincial level if you decide you enjoy the role.

If you’re interested in volunteering as a deputy or serving as an officer, please email me at — we’d love to find a place for you on our team!

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
— Seneschal, Canton of Whyt Whey