The Canton of Appleholm invites you to join us for an afternoon of crafting!
Their Majesties Matthias and Feilinn have asked the craftsfolk of the East to create and donate small items that they can in turn give as tokens or gifts to the populace. (These can include any small SCA-related item such as pins, rings, or other jewelry; trim, cords, or bags; caps, cups, or craft kits, or a hundred other things.)
We’ll gather at 3:00 PM on Sunday November 12 at the home of Madwen Gam to variously stitch, braid, hammer, and otherwise create items to help fill the royal coffers.
Bring your crafting supplies, or just show up and help other people with their projects. (And if you’re going on the Fabric District outing the Saturday before, keep your eye out for a small piece of material you could use to make something with us on Sunday.)
All are welcome to join us. No Society membership or previous experience required. Modern attire; come as you are. Feel free to RSVP or just show up. No fee. Unfortunately this site is not wheelchair-friendly.