Our canton’s quarterly business meeting was held on Monday, April 29, 2024. The minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain are attached below.
- Alienor Salton, Seneschal
- Angelica di Nova Lipa, Chatelaine
- Ibrahim al-Rashid, Arts and Sciences
- Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald & Webminister
- Thorfinn Hróðgeirsson
- Madwen Gam
Provincial guests:
- Jenna Childslayer
Absent Officers:
- Zahra de Andaluzia, Exchequer
- Informal discussion began at 7:00 and the meeting proper was called to order at 7:30.
- The Society harassment notice was acknowledged.
May Day Festival
- Mathghamhain: I’ve been remiss in not doing more organizing for this event before now, but it’s intended to be a low-key occasion and I expect it’ll work out.
- Mathghamhain: Thorfinn has offered to provide music for dancing and entertainment, and we’d welcome anyone else who might like to join in.
- Thorfinn: Please provide a set list for the dancing at least a couple days before the event so I can make sure I have sheet music for all of the songs.
- Alienor: My primary goal is to run through the bransles that we have previously rehearsed as a group.
- Madwen: We could order ribbons for a maypole from JoAnn’s.
- Angelica: I have some spare fabric that I could cut into long strips for that purpose.
- Angelica: I’ve got a few ready-made flower crowns plus wire and tape to make more.
- Madwen: I have a basic Petanque set we could use for lawn bowling.
- Mathghamhain: We’ll bring a table and chairs, as well as some snacks and drinks.
- Ibrahim: I’ll make something to eat.
- Angelica: I will bring a picnic blanket.
Officer Updates
- Mathghamhain: Not much news from the web ministry or social media.
- I still need to move our two mailing lists to our new domain name.
- Angelica: Zahra may soon be moving outside the boundaries of our canton.
- If she’s willing to continue in office, we might need to seek a waiver for this.
- Madwen: I would be willing to take on an office to help out.
- Angelica: You’d make an excellent chatelaine, and I’d be happy to hand off that office.
- Madwen: Sure!
- Everyone Present: Enthusiastically accepted by acclamation.
Upcoming Activities
- Progress to Pride is coming up at the end of the month.
- No gallery outing in May, but looking for suggestions for something to do in June:
- Hidden Faces / Renaissance Portraits, at the Met (through July 7).
- Seventeenth Century New Amsterdam / 400th Anniversary of Dutch Settlement, at the New York Historical Society (through July 15).
- Tibetan Artifacts, at the Rubin Museum (until they close in October).
Provincial and Regional Events
- May 5: A&S (Northpass)
- May 11: Viking Day Demo (Ostgardr)
- May 11: Three Skulls Anniversary (An Dubh)
- Includes social gathering, food, archery/throwing.
- Jenna can transport people from the Hicksville LIRR station
- June 22: Potted Arms (An Dubh)
- Includes fencing, merchants
- Jenna can transport people from the LIRR station
- June 22: Novice Day (Rusted Woodlands)
- Includes rattan, fencing, archery, A&S display.
- May be able to arrange carpooling.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8:25.