Minutes from January Commons

Our canton’s quarterly business meeting was held on Monday, January 27, 2025. The minutes are attached below. 


  • Alienor, Seneschal
  • Mathghamhain, Herald and Webminister
  • Angelica, Vicereine
  • Ronan


  • Ragnarr, Provincial Seneschal
  • Jenna
  • Fransiskus


  • Meeting called to order at 7:05.

Exchequer Updates

  • Mathghamhain: At the last meeting, Zahra mentioned that she’d like to step down as exchequer. 
  • We appreciate her for continuing in this position for many months after she moved out of the canton. 
  • I will circulate a call for volunteers for a successor to take up this office in the coming weeks.
  • Mathghamhain: In December, the officers discussed and approved the idea of closing the canton bank account and instead transferring our funds to the province and relying on them to write checks on our behalf. 
  • The motivation behind making this change was to make the job of exchequer easier, in part to make it easier to recruit someone to take up this office.
  • Multiple cantons have relied on the province in this way in the past, and current and previous provincial exchequers have said it does not create a significant additional burden on them to process the limited number of transactions we require each year, so we have received sign-off from the provincial leadership to proceed.
  • Mathghamhain: I know that the canton deliberately took steps to set up our own bank account a decade ago, but I get the sense that the circumstances that drove that decision no longer apply.
  • Angelica: The reason we set up our own account is that the Kingdom Exchequer at the time insisted on it.
  • Mathghamhain: That’s peculiar — the current kingdom exchequer is totally on board with us doing this.
  • Mathghamhain: I will follow up with the exchequer to support getting our year-end financial report finished and closing out our account.
  • Angelica: I will be back in the city around the third week of February and could help with banking procedures then if needed.

Local Activities


  • Madwen continues to host a cozy solar at her place in Washington Heights on the last Sunday of every month. This is a great chance to connect, for both newcomers and stalwarts.

A&S for Fencing

  • Ibrahim continues to host rapier-adjacent crafting at his place on the Upper West Side on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month; it’s great that folks are staying engaged during the winter break.

Gallery Outings

  • Jenna: Folks from outside of the city come to visit regularly, so you should publicize the museum outings to other groups.
  • (Multiple people chimed in here to mention recent visits by folks from Concordia, Bhakail, Harts-horn Dale, and other regions.)
  • Jenna: There’s no need to flood their feeds, but maybe just once a year further post afield, like other baronies and the kingdom groups, to let them know we do this so that people can check our calendar when they schedule a visit.

Spring Event: May-Day Picnic

  • Mathghamhain: I would like to organize another spring picnic in April/May at Sakura Park, adjacent to Grant’s Tomb.
  • It would be in garb. Potluck food and drink. No fee, no significant expenses. I would supply tables and chairs.
  • I’m open to feedback on what worked well last time, and what we should do differently.
  • Angelica: Last time there was an unscheduled plumbing issue that took the restroom out of order.
  • Mathghamhain: I’ll ask our son Alax to double-check on that and see if we can find a backup.
  • If it seems like there’s momentum towards a provincial Palio event, we can use this as our team’s spring training. 
  • Angelica: I still have supplies for flower chaplets.
  • Mathghamhain: It would be great to do that again, and this time perhaps we can get the maypole up.

Beyond Our Borders

Coronation, April 5

  • The event listing is here: https://www.eastkingdom.org/event-details/?eid=4382
  • The site is transit-accessible, and folks who would like to carpool can probably find a ride.
  • Ragnarr: If you would like to volunteer to help, please reach out to Lada, the event steward, or Sofya, her deputy.

A&S Championship and Lions End Schola, May 17

Pennsic 101 

  • Jenna: I’m teaching Pennsic 101 on Saturday through Atlantia University (sign up by Wednesday) and on Tuesday February 4 through Meridies; additional sessions will be scheduled as well.


  • Meeting closed at 7:55.