Sunday Solar, March 30: Brewing Basics

The Canton of Appleholm invites you to join us for our monthly afternoon of crafting, conversation and companionship!

For this month’s gathering, Wojtek z Wizny will present “A Brief History of Beer (and how to make it in your apartment).” Aimed at first-time brewers, this talk will cover the basics of fermented beverages and the modern homebrewing movement, and show you how to brew a simple ale in a New York apartment.

You are welcome to bring a handcraft to work on, a snack to share, a story to tell, or questions you want to explore — or walk in empty-handed and leave with freshly-learned skills, a full belly, and new friendships!

We’ll gather at 3:00 PM on Sunday, March 30 at the home of our chatelaine Madwen Gam, at 569 W 161st Street, buzzer 6, just east of Broadway. (Note that this site is upstairs and is not wheelchair-accessible.)

All are welcome to join us. No Society membership or previous experience required. No fee. Modern attire; come as you are. Feel free to RSVP or just come by and say hello!

Detail from “Biermessers” in Hausbuch der Mendelschen Zwölfbrüderstiftung, 1506.