All posts by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

Gallery Outing: Africa & Byzantium, Saturday February 24

The Canton of Appleholm invites you to join us on another informal weekend outing to one of our many world-class museums.

On Saturday, February 24, starting at 2 PM, we’ll visit the Met’s “Africa and Byzantium” exhibit, which includes numerous period art works and artifacts from north and east Africa showing the shared influence of Byzantine and local cultures, as well as a few post-period examples showing the legacy of this synthesis. The special exhibit is positioned between the museum’s halls of Greek and Roman art and the halls of Medieval art, so we’ll likely loop through those on our way.

The Met is located on Fifth Avenue at East 82nd Street. The closest trains are the 4/5/6 at 86th, and there are several busses that run along either Fifth or 86th.

We’ll gather on the front steps, weather permitting, or in the lobby atrium, and then enter as a group. (If you miss us there, call Mathghamhain at 917-502-7795 to link up inside the museum.) We’ll probably spend about two hours in the museum, and afterwards folks who are hungry may walk over to Madison to get a snack in a local coffee shop.

Museum admission is “pay what you wish” with proof of New York State residence. The museum is ADA-accessible; to bypass the front staircase, visit their website for directions to the street-level entrance. Masks are optional but recommended.

All are welcome to join us. No Society membership or previous experience required. Modern attire; come as you are. Feel free to RSVP or just show up. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Fragment from a Coptic Hanging (Detail)

January Commons Minutes

Our canton’s quarterly business meeting was held on Monday, January 29, 2024. The minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain are attached below. 


  • Alienor Salton, Seneschal
  • Zahra de Andaluzia, Exchequer
  • Angelica di Nova Lipa, Chatelaine
  • Ibrahim al-Rashid, Arts and Sciences
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald & Webminister
  • Ronan

Provincial guests:

  • Ragnarr, Østgarðr Seneschal
  • Jenna Childslayer



  • Alienor: Welcome back! I’m now mostly recovered, but have been sick and out of commission for a long stretch of this winter, so I don’t have much to report.


  • Zahra: Our financial reports for this quarter have been filed with the kingdom.
  • Mathghamhain: I’ll follow up with you about posting the summary portions of that report to our website as required by Corpora.


  • Angelica: My office has been very quiet. No direct emails or contacts with newcomers.
  • If you notice someone new show up at an event or in one of our social media channels, please let me know so I can welcome them!

Arts and Sciences

  • Ibrahim: Our workshop this fall was a success; largesse was delivered to the royals.
  • I look forward to resuming museum visits; my schedule doesn’t alway allow me to join, but it’s great that we’re taking advantage of the opportunity our city provides.
  • If anyone missed our canton’s trip to the Cloisters’ exhibit “Rich Man, Poor Man,” this week is your final chance before it closes. 


  • Mathghamhain: I have filed my quarterly report with the kingdom heralds.
  • Our canton name change was finally accepted and registered in December. 
  • I’m sorry that process took so long; the College delayed the passage by five months in order to debate and then establish a new policy allowing branches to retain their old names during a change.


  • Mathghamhain: I have filed my quarterly report with the kingdom webministry.
  • I’ve updated the branch name on the web site, and worked with the webministry to migrate it to the new domain name.
  • All officers should now be able to send and receive email using the new domain name.
  • Email to the old domain name can still be received, perhaps for the next year or so.
  • Officers, when filing your next report to your kingdom counterparts, please remind them of the name change and ask them to switch your office address in their address book, office-related mailing lists, and office-related Google Drive permissions.
  • I still need to switch the populace and officer mailing lists to use the new domain names.

Upcoming Activity

  • Mathghamhain: I had planned to organize an outing to the Met’s “Africa and Byzantium” exhibit during January, but illness prevented it — let’s select a new date.
  • Saturday, February 24 seems like it would work for a bunch of us; I’ll announce it.
  • Alienor: The largesse workshop in November was really pleasant; I’d love to do more of these casual shared group activity days (rather than formal classes as such).
  • Angelica: Yes, that would be lovely.
  • Ibrahim: My building has a street-level garden that could be used for a craft night.
  • Alienor: Would people like to resume dancing when it’s warm enough outdoors? 
  • Zahra: Yes, definitely.
  • Angelica: We could also consider early music concerts. There’s a Gothic early music series at St Malachy’s in midtown on Thursday afternoons.
  • Mathghamhain: I reached out to the WHIDC about the Fort Tryon medieval festival they typically hold on the last weekend of September or first weekend of October.
  • I haven’t heard back yet, but in past years they didn’t really get moving on this until the spring, so it’s too early to know whether they’re going to hold it again this year.

Events Elsewhere

  • Ibrahim: On March 2, Crown A&S Championships (Quintavia — Worcester, MA) will also have an option for non-competitive display.
  • Ronan: On March 23, at Mudthaw (Settmour — NJ), a friend of ours is receiving an award. (Probably not transit friendly, but maybe could car service from NJ Transit?)
  • Also considering going to Coronation, on April 6 (Concordia — Schenectady).
  • Jenna: On May 18, Lions End Schola will host the provincial A&S championship (Glen Head); the site is easily accessible by transit.


  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:30, followed by a few minutes of socializing.

Appleholm Registered

Our branch name change is now official!

Appleholm, Canton of. Branch name change from Whyt Whey, Canton of. The branch’s previous name, Canton of Whyt Whey, is retained as an Ancient Branch Name.

October 2023 Letter of Acceptances and Returns

Thanks to everyone who helped us through the process of considering a possible change, brainstorming alternatives, and building consensus around our new name — and also to the many folks who helped establish the original canton and built up our shared history, which will not be forgotten.

We’ll be transitioning our website and email addresses to a matching internet domain soon, so that we can head into the new year under our new identity.

Name Change Imminent

Our canton name change is expected to be made official some time this month — the date is unpredictable but should be somewhere between one and three weeks from today.

I’m sorry it’s taken so long! There was a delay introduced to allow the College of Arms to modify their policies and procedures so they could retain records of our former appellation as our “ancient name.”

Once that goes through, I’ll work on getting the website updated to match it. And if folks would be interested in t-shirts / pint glasses / etc with the canton name and badge, just let me know!

— Mathghamhain, Canton Herald

Hispanic Society Gallery Visit

Thanks to everyone who came out to join us at the Hispanic Society museum today, as well as the post-gallery coffee and chit-chat.

It’s a small exhibition, with a very eclectic mix of items on display, but the “courtyard” is a lovely space and it was interesting to see the admixture of European, Mesoamerican, and East Asian elements in the sixteenth-century artifacts.

We look forward to seeing you all on our next gallery outing soon!

Gallery Sunday, November 26: Iberian Renaissance Courtyard

The Canton of Appleholm invites you to join us for a casual weekend outing to one of our many world-class museums.

On Sunday, November 26, at 2 PM, we’ll visit the recently-reopened Hispanic Society in Washington Heights.

Their Main Court is an interior space decorated in the style of the courtyard in a sixteenth-century Spanish manor, and hosts a small collection of Medieval and Renaissance artworks and artifacts from Iberia and Latin America, including paintings, altarpieces, sculptures, stone tombs, silver tableware, and more. (There’s also a variety of post-period art throughout the rest of the museum.)

To reach the museum, take the 1 train to 157th Street, or the C train to 155th Street, or the M4 or M5 bus to 155th Street. Drivers may be able to find curbside parking at Riverside and 155th Street or in the commercial garage on Broadway at 614 W 153rd.

We’ll gather in the outdoor “Audubon Terrace” space off Broadway between 155th and 156th Streets and enter as a group (weather permitting).

We’ll expect to spend an hour or so in the museum, and afterwards folks who are hungry may walk a couple of blocks through the neighborhood to get coffee or lunch in a local restaurant.

This museum is free and the site reports that it is ADA accessible.

All are welcome to join us. No Society membership or previous experience required. Modern attire; come as you are. Feel free to RSVP or just show up.

Photo courtesy Sailko, released under Creative Commons license.

Musical Jam Session, Thursday October 9

Join Þorfinn Hróðgeirsson for a hands-on medieval music session next week, on Thursday November 9, 7:00-9:00 PM.

Our next medieval music jam session will be on Thursday, in Manhattan!

We’ll gather at a home on the Upper West Side, at 255 W 105th Street, Apt 21. (Northwest corner of Broadway, above the Ellington Restaurant, two blocks from the #1 train at 103rd St.)

I’ll curate what music we jam to based on interest of the attendees, but expect to do some mix of improvisation practice, reading of the greatest hits of the 13th and 14th centuries, and maybe even some polyphony! Minimal musical skill needed: please bring an instrument (or your voice) that you’re comfortable playing a tune on.

Please let me know if you’re planning to come so I can prepare.

All are welcome to join us. No Society membership or previous SCA experience required. Modern attire; come as you are. Feel free to RSVP or just show up. No fee. This site is ADA-accessible, although large mobility devices might need to be folded to fit through the narrow elevator door.

Royal Largesse Workshop, November 12

The Canton of Appleholm invites you to join us for an afternoon of crafting! 

Their Majesties Matthias and Feilinn have asked the craftsfolk of the East to create and donate small items that they can in turn give as tokens or gifts to the populace. (These can include any small SCA-related item such as pins, rings, or other jewelry; trim, cords, or bags; caps, cups, or craft kits, or a hundred other things.)

We’ll gather at 3:00 PM on Sunday November 12 at the home of Madwen Gam to variously stitch, braid, hammer, and otherwise create items to help fill the royal coffers. 

Bring your crafting supplies, or just show up and help other people with their projects. (And if you’re going on the Fabric District outing the Saturday before, keep your eye out for a small piece of material you could use to make something with us on Sunday.)

All are welcome to join us. No Society membership or previous experience required. Modern attire; come as you are. Feel free to RSVP or just show up. No fee. Unfortunately this site is not wheelchair-friendly.

Goldsmiths at work. Detail from “Atelier d’orfèvres” (1576). Engraved by Etienne Delaune.

October Commons Minutes

Our canton’s quarterly business meeting was held on Monday, October 23, 2023. The minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain are attached below, followed by the officer’s reports. 


  • Alienor Salton, Seneschal
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald and Webminister
  • Zahra de Andaluzia, Exchequer
  • Angelica di Nova Lipa, Chatelaine
  • Þorfinnr Hróðgeirsson
  • Ilia Aleksandrovich
  • Jenna Childslayer


  • Meeting was called to order at 7:00.
  • The Society harassment policy was viewed and recited.

Branch Name Legacy

  • We reviewed the question of what to do with our old name following its change. 
  • Currently-active members did not have strong feelings either way on the subject, whereas former members who now live elsewhere unanimously favored retention. 
  • By consensus we agreed to accept the option newly offered by the College of Arms to retain the branch’s original name as its “Ancient and Honorable” name following the change. 

Largess Workshop

  • Ibrahim passed along a request from their Majesties Matthias and Feilinn for the craftsfolk of the East to create and donate small items that can be given by the royals as tokens or gifts to the populace. 
  • Possible items include pins, rings, and other jewelry; trim, cords, or bags; caps, cups, or craft kits, and so forth.
  • Madwen has volunteered to host at her house on 161st Street. 
  • Our target date is the afternoon of Sunday November 12.
  • This is the day after the fabric-district outing, so folks could go buy a piece of fabric on Saturday and turn it into something (coifs or sacks or favors or…) on Sunday. 

Museum Outing

  • Mathghamhain suggested an outing to the recently-reopened Hispanic Society to view their small collection of late-period artifacts from Iberia and Latin America on display in their Main Courtyard.
  • The museum is on Broadway between 155th and 156th Streets. Admission is free. The site is accessible.
  • Our target date is Sunday December 10.

Other Activities

  • Þorfinnr offered to provide content for A&S classes if someone else managed the logistics of finding space and organizing the event.
  • Þorfinnr is also looking for nearby locations to host his in-person music sessions.
  • We could possibly combine in-person music with a dance class at the local studio we used this spring.
  • We hope to work out the details of these and other small-scale gatherings on an ongoing basis over the coming months.


  • The meeting was adjourned by 7:30.

Officers’ Reports

Seneschal, Alienor

Our next canton commons is Monday, Oct. 23rd, at 7pm.

We are floating plans for a largesse-making party.  

Exchequer, Zahra

No news as exchequer.

Chatelaine, Angelica

I have properly filed the quarterly local group and Southern Region Chatelaine reports. 

In the last two weeks we have another Manhattanite from the UWS interested in the SCA, one who comes to us with a wealth of musical and performance experience.  She has been to the Tuesday fighter practice at McCarren park, enjoyed it, and is looking forward to learning more about fighting.   She will be at this coming Saturday’s schola in Settmour Swamp.  I have offered information, and am garbing her for the occasion.  She is also in the process of developing a persona for an individual from a city on the coast of Croatia (family heritage connection) early 1500’s.     

Our previous newcomer Madwen enjoyed Pennsic, Barleycorn,  continues involvement and has offered her UWS home for an Appleholm gathering, details TBD.    

Ishtar (UES) enjoyed aspects of Pennsic but is not presently considering attending it again, but continues casual involvement when not otherwise scheduled. 

Arts & Sciences, Ibrahim

I can’t make it this Monday. Can you make time in the agenda to solicit possible days and times that folks might be available to do a largesse-making workshop? 

Herald, Mathghamhain

I’ve filed my quarterly report with kingdom. 

Our canton name change from Whyt Whey to Appleholm will be made official in mid-December. 

We need to decide whether to retain “Canton of Whyt Whey” as our “ancient name,” or the substitute “Companie of Grate Whyt Whey” household name, or both, or neither. I’ve mailed and posted to get feedback from the populace on this question. Unfortunately, the College needs us to make a decision quickly. 

Webminister, Mathghamhain

I’ve filed my quarterly report with kingdom. 

I’ve done some coordination with the kingdom webministry and they have a plan for how to handle the domain name when our name changes. I’ll coordinate that in late December.