Category Archives: Arts & Sciences

An Evening in the Solar, May 2016

Our next A&S gathering is the third Thursday of the upcoming month, May 19th, 2016, in the Usual Place: 255 W. 105th St., #21, at 7pm.

NEEDLEWORK CLASS: Florentine Flame Stitch, before & beyond….Do you like to color? Learn how to color with needlepoint yarn and MAKE A THING! We will be creating small pin cushions.

Florentine Flame stitch
Florentine Flame stitch

All are welcome. No prior knowledge is required. Supplies will be provided. Class taught by Lady Godiva d’Mer.

We will also be working on Queen Avelina’s favors. As always, you are welcome to bring your own project to work on or for consultation & admiration. If you have the canton songbook, please bring it with you! We will exercise our voices as we ply our needles.

The menu will be a reprise of the tastiest items from the Anglo-Norman feast at our last Solar, namely the leeks, the rice pottage and the tiny tarts, with salad and bread. We have 2 bottles of wine left from our last gathering, so please hold off on wine for now!

Wire nålbinding workshop & canton commons meeting

This coming Thursday, April 21st, at 7:30pm, please join us for a wire nålbinding demonstration & workshop, taught by Þórfinnr Hróðgeirsson. Supplies will be provided.

The class will be preceded by a commons meeting, at 7pm.  The agenda for the commons is choosing between our top two contenders for new canton arms. We will also discuss photos for the member directory, and the cover for the canton songbook. Our exchequer will have the latest news on our efforts to set up our own bank account. Consider whether you have any business you’d like to bring before the canton.

Favor kits for the Queen’s Favor will be available through the generosity of Vika Grigina z Prahy.

Dinner will be a selection of Anglo-Norman foods from this feast: namely, bread, salad of field greens in vinaigrette, chickpea casserole, baked sweet pasta, rice pottage, sautéed leeks, and dried fruit in wine tarts. We have a bit of red wine left from the tart filling; please bring more, and other drinks / desserts / foods as you wish (potluck is not required! your lovely self is more than enough recompense).

The meeting location is 255 W 105th St., #21. [Directions]