Category Archives: Arts & Sciences

Evening in the Solar, November 2017

Please join us Thursday, November 16th, at 7:30 in our usual location, 255 W 105th St., for an evening of scribal experimentation. Our illustrious Vicereine, Lady Lada, Il-Khatun of the Eastern Ulus, will be instructing your hostess, Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, in the finer points of painting, loading the brush and other like basics. Bring your scribal supplies, if any, your questions about basic illumination kit, and your sense of play.

Evening in the Solar, October 2017

Please join us next Thursday, October 19th, from 7:30pm – 10pm in our usual location for a weaving workshop led by Lady Angelica.

We will also review the final schedule for our Schola in the Solar, coming up Saturday, October 28th. Please publicize the schola!!

For dinner, we will probably be offering a mushroom sauce pasta, with salad. There might be fruit tarts from Veniero’s.

Contributions of bread would be helpful. Also wine. Please comment on the post re: menu on the canton’s Facebook page or here if you know what are you bringing, so we can avoid tripling up on things. 🙂

Schola in the Solar

When: Saturday, October 28th, 10am – 5pm.
Where: 255 W. 105th St. (our usual Evening in the Solar location).
What: Arts & Sciences classes (schedule below).
Who: You!! (Up to 30 attendees, please RSVP to confirm space.)

Come spend a pleasant Saturday afternoon immersed in arts & sciences classes in a gracious Upper West Side living room. Gate opens at 9:15!

There will be a dayboard and lunch interval with meats, soups, salads, and savory tarts, including vegetarian options (menu below).  All ingredients will be labeled. Please alert the autocrat if you have other food needs.

There is no site fee.  We will be soliciting an OPTIONAL donation to cover food costs. There is no deadline to reserve, however you MUST RSVP by emailing the autocrat, Lady Godiva de la Mer, at  Site space is limited to 30 people.

Changing rooms will be available. Newcomers may borrow “Gold Key” loaner garb for the day by advance arrangement with the chatelaine, Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa, at

Class Schedule

10:00 Flat Gilding
(2 hours)
Heraldic Registration Basics
11:00 Stitch’n’Fix
12:00 Lunch setup 3:1 Twill Tablet Weaving
1:00 — LUNCH —
2:00 Wire Rings Basic Knitting
3:00 Mead Florentine Flame Stitch
4:00 Armorial Display Slung
10-5 Weaving Practicum (on-going)

Class Descriptions

Our eleven classes will cover a broad spectrum of arts & sciences.


Flat Gilding
In this class will be taught both modern and period methods, materials and techniques for flat gilding. We will try various gilding bases on a variety of surfaces with the goal of using this technique on SCA scrolls. Please bring a pencil, eraser, ruler and a small round brush. There is a $5 material fee. 10 kits will be available.
Instructor: Il-Khatun Lada Monguligin
Duration: 2 hours

Needle Work

Basic Knitting
Learn to knit, or get a refresher course in the basics. Kits will be provided.
Instructor: Caitlin
Duration: 1 hour

Florentine Flame Stitch: Before & Beyond…
Needlework class focusing on the Florentine Flame Stitch, its history and creation. Do you like to color? Then come and learn how to color with yarn and MAKE A THING! A tiny pin cushion will be created using the flame stitch or its derivatives. No prior needlework experience necessary. Supplies & materials will be provided.
Instructor: Lady Godiva de la Mer
Duration: 1 hour

“Stitch n’ Fix” workshop (open to ALL LEVELS)
This workshop is designed to bring crafters of ALL LEVELS and skills together in an effort to problem solve on any projects that are giving them grief. Participants are encouraged to bring any projects on their list, either a “UFO” (Un-Finished-Project), a “PHD” (Project-Half-Done) or their “DOS” (Darn Overs). Printed references for knitting, sewing and crocheting will also be available for perusing.
Instructor: Caitlin
Duration: 1 hour


Introduction to Mead
A brief survey of the history of mead and its use in period, and a hands-on demonstration of the production of a basic mead.
Instructor: Lord Þórfinn Hróðgeirsson
Duration: 1 hour


Slung: 4 Strand Plaiting with Bobbins
Learn how to make cord using 4 strand plaiting with bobbins (aka, slung, or Viking whip-cording). Teaching both 2-person and solo techniques. Will include comparisons with cords produced via lucet, tubular tablet weaving & finger loop braiding – aforementioned techniques can be demonstrated to attendees on request.
Instructor: Hlæfdige Alienor Salton
Duration: 1 hour


3:1 Twill Tablet Weaving
Learn how to make patterns with a tablet weaving technique common to Viking-era finds. Experience with tablet weaving strongly encouraged.
Instructor: Lord Þórfinn Hróðgeirsson
Duration: 1 hour

Weaving Practicum
A hands-on survey of common weaving devices, with hands-on instruction in inkle, framed rigid heddle and 8-shaft table loom. Make your own rigid heddles to take home. Material fee donations accepted, to be split between fencing loaner gear and the Østgarðr coronet fund.
Instructor: Lady Angelica Di Nova Lipa
Duration: Ongoing: drop-in when equipment is available, weave as long as you like


Creating Simple Wire Rings
Simple wire rings are easy to make and common in period, especially early period. I’ll be teaching a few different designs, and providing the materials (copper wire) and tools. Most designs can be made with just a large dowel and your fingers.
Instructor: Anneke Valmarsdotter
Duration: 1 hour


Heraldic Registration Basics (this is a GREAT class for NEWCOMERS)
Finding an historically-accurate name & unique coat of arms can be a fun part of getting involved in the SCA. Get an overview of the jargon, the registration process and timeline. Learn a few visual elements that match your persona’s time and place, then talk about how to work with a herald (locally or on Facebook) to nail down the details and move forward with a submission.
Instructor: Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Duration: 1 hour

Armorial Display Options
So, you’ve registered a device, but do you ever show it off? Review different places your arms and badges can be displayed (banners, armor, clothing, favors, camp fabrics, other possessions) and multiple ways of making them (sewing, painting, printing, etc.) then brainstorm how you will make your armory more visible.
Instructor: Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Duration: 1 hour


Bigos (Polish Hunter’s Stew)
Egg Noodles
Kabanosy (Pork Smoked Sausage)
Roast Chicken
Vegetable Soup
Ember Day Tarte
Tarte of Greens
Apple & Onion Salad
Green Salad
Assorted Cheeses & Bread
Apples & Apple Pie

Water; Apple Cider; Mulled Red Wine

Commons meeting & Evening in the Solar, September 2017

Please join us this coming Thursday, September 21st, at 7pm, at our usual place, 255 W. 105th St., #21, for a canton commons, followed by an arts & sciences Evening in the Solar.

The Commons agenda will include planning for our upcoming Cloisters demo at Fort Tryon Park Medieval Festival, as well as discussion of provincial and canton officer positions turning over at the end of this year. We will also discuss the schola in the solar we have scheduled for the end of October.

The A&S portion of the evening will include sharing learning & handouts from Pennsic, as well as a knitting tutorial by Caitlin S. Kits will be provided. Please bring any handouts or URLs you would like to share.

Your hostess Alienor Salton is still suffering from a viral infection, so will NOT be offering the usual tastiness. Please bring your own dinner. (If I am still coughing too much, an alternate host will be provided for the evening.)

Evening in the Solar, June 2017

Our next Arts & Sciences gathering & social, on Thursday, June 15th, will be a garment making / repairing extravaganza for Pennsic. Join us from 7:30 to 10pm at 255 W. 105th St., #21 to review / repair / enhance your wardrobe for the upcoming great peace & war weeks. Perhaps you need a chiton for the heat and humidity? Or possibly a new cloak for the winds & rains & evening chill? Seams busting from your last adventures through the bog? Caps and purses all set for your university classes and shopping excursions?

Dinner will be a composed salad. Because we are SUPER TRENDY. What’s a composed salad, you ask? A veritable platter of delights. Please bring drinks and/or desserts, as you feel moved.

Evening in the Solar, May 2017

Please join us for our regular 3rd Thursday of the month Arts & Sciences social gathering, Thursday, May 18th, 7-10pm. Sekanjabin and tablet-weaving!

We will meet in the usual place, 255 W. 105th St., #21.

The evening’s menu will include petty patties — turkey in puff pastry — and salad & bread. The petty patties are courtesy of Lady Beatrice, who is also considering a repeat of the Lent Tarte for vegetarians. Lemonade will be provided. Contributions of wine and dessert would be much appreciated.

By request, the evening will include hands-on tablet weaving practice. We will have multiple looms warped and ready to weave, and will also support attendees through warping and threading the cards, as desired. Bring your questions and your experimental spirit.

We will also be making Sekanjabin! Inspired by the delectable beverage served by Þórfinnr Hróðgeirsson at the Picnic in the Ruins event he co-autocrated last weekend in April, we will produce quantities in preparation for Pennsic. Our basic syrup recipe, from Cariadoc’s Miscellany, is 4 cups sugar, 2.5 cups water, 1 cup wine vinegar, simmered together for half an hour with 1/2 cup of flavoring herbs. The classic flavoring is mint. I enjoy ginger. We are intrigued by the possibilities of basil and lemon. Bring a flavoring (1/2 cup of fresh herbs) of your choice, and come away with a Mason jar of syrup for your personal use. “Surplus” syrup will be served in Østgarðr’s camp at Pennsic.

Commons meeting & Evening in the Solar, April 2017

Please join us for our regular 3rd Thursday of the month Arts & Sciences social gathering & a canton Commons meeting, Thursday, April 20th, 7-10pm. Class will be a recorder schola, taught by Magistra Rufina Cambrensis! Commons will precede the class.

We will meet in the usual place, 255 W. 105th St., #21.

Have you always wanted to try the recorder “some day”? Did you play some recorder mumble-mumble years ago, and would like to ease your way back in? Are you a recorder player in search of group playing opportunities?

Here’s your chance!

At Recorder Schola, we will try some tuneful Medieval and Early Renaissance pieces with parts ranging from “dead easy” to “fun and approachable” to “a bit of a challenge”. Whether you’ve never touched a recorder before, or would like to reacquaint yourself with a skill you learned in school, our Recorder Docents are ready to help you find your way and introduce you to their Recorder Menagerie. If you don’t have your own instrument, loaner recorders will be available for the evening.

Please join us — we’ll be glad you did!

An Evening in the Solar, March 2017

Please join us for our regular 3rd Thursday of the month Arts & Sciences social gathering, “An Evening in the Solar: Pouchapalooza!” Thursday, March 16th, 7-10pm.

We will meet in the usual place, 255 W. 105th St., #21.

The A&S portion of our evening will be an exploration of medieval pouches, including the Anglo-Saxon ring pouch, framed purses such as the Hedeby bag, rectangular drawstring and flapped pouches, the double-ended shoulder-sack, sprang bags and more. Documentation, handouts and recreated samples will be made available.

Fabric, material and supplies will be provided by Lady Godiva D’Mer so we can create a basic rectangular drawstring bag using medieval sewing techniques. Sewing and other skills covered at previous A&S gatherings will be used: whip stitch, blind hemstitch and/or running stitch and fingerloop braiding.

Dinner will be a 14-Century English affair, comprised of Tart in Amber (Onion & Egg Pie) and Gauffres (Cheese Waffles).