Category Archives: Solar

Sunday Solar, January 26

The Canton of Appleholm invites you to join us for a cozy evening of handcrafts, nibbles, and chit-chat as our hostess prepares a chocolate-and-toffee treat for all to share.

(Please note that due to scheduling challenges, this month’s gathering has been pushed later in the day than usual.)

We’ll gather at 7:30 PM on Sunday, January 26 at the home of our chatelaine Madwen Gam, at 569 W 161st Street, buzzer 6, just east of Broadway. (Note that this site is upstairs and is not wheelchair-accessible.)

All are welcome to join us. No Society membership or previous experience required. No fee. Modern attire; come as you are. You may RSVP if you wish, or just come by and say hello!

Sunday Solar at Year’s End

Thanks to everyone who dropped by for this weekend’s holiday party and participated in decorating cookies with heraldic designs.

Sadly, I didn’t get pictures of all of the cookies, or of the hot mulled beverages simmering on the stove, but hopefully the photos below will give you a hint of how the day went.

Autumnal Solar

Our thanks to Madwen for hosting the eight of us for a pleasant afternoon of handcrafts, snacks, and friendly chatter. We had a delightful mix of newcomers and old-timers — of locals with folks who’d come in from nearby cantons — and of beginners practicing new skills and experts putting well-honed crafts to work. We look forward to seeing folks again next month!

Sunday Solar, September 29

The Canton of Appleholm invites you to join us for an afternoon of crafting, conversation and companionship! 

With the coming of the equinox, our thoughts are turning to autumn. Come and tell us what you did at Barleycorn, what events you’re going to attend before the snows set in, and what projects you’re working on to get ready for winter’s chills.

We’ll gather at 3:00 PM on Sunday, September 29 at the home of our chatelaine Madwen Gam, at 569 W 161st Street, buzzer 6, just east of Broadway. (Note that this site is upstairs and is not wheelchair-accessible.)

All are welcome to join us. No Society membership or previous experience required. No fee. Modern attire; come as you are. Feel free to RSVP or just come by and say hello!

Detail from The Harvesters, by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1565

A Pleasant Day in the Solar

Our June arts-and-crafting gathering was a convivial success, with half a dozen folks gathering to variously spin, sew, embroider, twine, kibitz and nibble.

Thanks to Madwen for hosting, and to everyone for turning out, showing off their projects, and providing lovely company.

We aim to hold more of these gatherings on a regular tempo in the months ahead — and hope to see you there!

June 18: Whyt Whey presents the Saturday Night Solar: Researching Your Bardic Pieces

As events swing into high gear, we gather ’round the bardic fire to regale each other with song and tales once more! How can you polish up your pieces for competition, performance, or entertainment?

Researching your bardic pieces can add greatly enhance your performance! Why do the “extra work” of researching more about your piece? Why do you want to tell this story? What is YOUR story? Why are you telling it? Why is it important to you? When you know your “why” your enthusiasm for the piece can give you another source of energy to pull from. Being passionate about your art shows. Knowing your inspiration or goal will help you find the drive to practice and prepare.

Join The Honorable Lady Agnes Marie de Calais as she goes over the rationale for researching a piece and its time and place, how to organize the research and things to consider, and going over an example together. Participants can also discuss their own work and examples in the discussion portion afterwards.

Please join us here:

Agnes is a spoken word bard and storyteller, a researcher whose personae is from Calais, France before the year 1600. She first joined the SCA in the early 2000’s. Recently, she has been sharing her research, bardic interests, retaining, and service wherever and whenever needed. She has taught, run bardic circles, and judged, and teaching youth and adults, and sharing research, is an important part of who she is. She is a Maunche, Silver Wheel, Troubador, Golden Lyre, and recently stepped down as the Queen’s Bardic Champion. You can read more about her on her EK wiki!

The Saturday Night Solar occurs every other Saturday night at 8:00 PM ET. The Canton of Whyt Whey in the Crown Province of Østgarðr hosts teachers and topics from all over the Known World so that even when we are apart, we can learn together.

March 26: Whyt Whey presents the Saturday Night Solar: Getting Ready for Archery Season

Spring has sprung – get ready to go outdoors and loose some arrows!

Join Østgarðr’s own Friderich Grimme as we discuss how to get ready for archery season after a long winter! Though warmer weather brings thoughts of good times on the archery range, the vagaries of winter may well have played havoc on your bow and arrows.  For the new archer, this class will provide suggestions for how to check and prepare your equipment for the archery season to come.

Please join us here:

Friderich Grimme lives with his wife, Lile Dubh, in the city of Köln at the end of the 14th century.  In the SCA, Friderich’s interests include archery and cooking.  He is the current webminster for the Crown Province of Ostgardr and an archery marshal at large.

The Saturday Night Solar occurs every other Saturday night at 8:00 PM ET. The Canton of Whyt Whey in the Crown Province of Østgarðr hosts teachers and topics from all over the Known World so that even when we are apart, we can learn together.

March 12: Whyt Whey presents the Saturday Night Solar: Documentation Do’s And Don’ts!

If research and documentation is keeping you from entering an Arts & Science competition or display, this class will help take some of the mystery and stress out of the process.  Learn how to evaluate a source, gather research, and do basic documentation – including sources.  Also learn how to take the next step and bring your documentation into the intermediate level and really make a splash!

Please join us here:

HL Ysabel de la Oya is from the Barony of Forgotten Sea in Calontir.  She is Currently head of Calontir’s Cooks Guild and A&S minister for the Barony of Forgotten Sea. She also has a GoA in cooking and research and entered many Kingdom-level Arts & Science competitions, and while she has only won one once, she always does very well on the documentation component.

The Saturday Night Solar occurs every other Saturday night at 8:00 PM ET. The Canton of Whyt Whey in the Crown Province of Østgarðr hosts teachers and topics from all over the Known World so that even when we are apart, we can learn together.

Access the handout here!

February 26: Whyt Whey presents the Saturday Night Solar: Stained Glass of Chartres Cathedral

The Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Chartres, France, was built in the 13th century and has some of the best preserved medieval stained glass in the world. Come learn about how the purpose of the stained glass, how the orientation of the cathedral mattered for sunlight and religious symbolism, how stained glass was used to convey stories to illiterate parishioners, and more!

Please join us here:

Epy lives in Highland Foorde. You can find them most often with the equestrians, but they also greatly enjoy performing music in ensembles. They are a member of Laydes Fayre (since Fall 2019), and likes to play in the pit band for dances/balls when able. Currently serving as the Minister of the Lists of Highland Foorde, Epy also tries to stay active as an Equestrian Marshal or Autocrat of an event.

Epy’s name came from a lost bet, and they saw it through by registering the name. It is a Cornish name, from the 10th – 12th c. They do not strictly adhere to this region or time period for a persona, but do tend to dress in the looser-fitting clothes of this era.

The Saturday Night Solar occurs every other Saturday night at 8:00 PM ET. The Canton of Whyt Whey in the Crown Province of Østgarðr hosts teachers and topics from all over the Known World so that even when we are apart, we can learn together.

February 12: Whyt Whey presents the Saturday Night Solar: Cheese Making With Joshua

People have been making cheese for thousands of years across almost every culture where dairy has been consumed. 

Let’s get together, hang out in the kitchen, and talk about how cheese is made while Joshua shows you how to make your own!

Please join us here:

Joshua has been in the sca for about 30 years. He created the first East Kingdom web page and was the founding seneschal of the Shire of Ma’ale Giborim (Israel, Kingdom of Drachenwald) 

Joshua took up cheese making during the pandemic and currently lives in The Barony Beyond the Mountain ( greater Hartford, CT area).

The Saturday Night Solar occurs every other Saturday night at 8:00 PM ET. The Canton of Whyt Whey in the Crown Province of Østgarðr hosts teachers and topics from all over the Known World so that even when we are apart, we can learn together.