We had SO MANY VOLUNTEERS at our Cloisters demo at the Fort Tryon Park Medieval Festival the first weekend in October! I have been compiling this list ever since, and even then I know I am missing some people. Please forgive any omissions! You’ll notice I have also failed to record all the jobs people did — because everyone was hustling so hard! And our demo was HUGE. We collected almost 80?? new e-mail addresses from people interested in our activities.
Here are the 73!!! people who turned out and pitched in. Please correct any misspellings or titles — I checked the heraldic registry and the order of precedence where available, but those don’t necessarily list preferred spellings and have some omissions.
Lord Alexander MacLachlan, ably ran our fencing tournaments.
Lady Beatrice della Rocca, managed the children’s table, fencing mistress of lists, setup & takedown.
Lord Erich Guter Muth, our minister of lists for armored combat, herald for the fashion show, fencer, setup & takedown.
Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, who walked in the fashion show & watched in amazement as everyone did such a fabulous job!
Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, youth combat marshal.
Baron Yehuda ben Moshe, wrangler of youths combatant.
Alaxandair Mórda mac Matha, youth fighter.
Kenneth the Red, youth fighter.
Odin, youth fighter.
Leo, youth fighter.
Samuel, youth fighter.
Galen, youth fighter.
Callum, youth fighter.
Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa, bearer of burdens, bringer of infrastructure, chatelaine, children’s table.
Avran of Northpass, armored fighter.
Lord Wilhelm of Northpass, dance master.
Lady Conandil ingen Donngaile, dance mistress.
Benjamin, teacher of period games, dancer.
Gabriel, dancer.
Lord Conor Ó Ceallaigh
Lord Brandr nefsbrjotr Aronsson, blacksmith.
Randvé Littill Hamar, blacksmith’s able assistant.
Lady Erlan skáld í Norðrlandi, lampworker.
Lady Godiva de la Mer, fashion show, hats!
Mistress Judith the Uncertain, masks, fashion show.
Lady Magdelena Caminante, chatelaine.
Lady Marion of York, fencer.
Lord Mongu Chinua, pointy weapons, herald for the provincial court.
Lord Miyamoto Jirou Tadayoshi, called Daishi, armored fighter.
Lord Rónán fitz Robert, fighter.
Lady Sáline baen Rónán fitz Robert, scribal demo.
Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, chatelaine, fashion show.
Lord Ervald La Coudre Edwardson the Optimistic, armored combat marshal in charge.
Count Jarl Valgard Stonecleaver, armored combat.
Caitlin of Østgarðr, children’s table, bearer of burdens, fast as lightning, setup & takedown.
Martin Harding
Lady Anneke Valmarsdotter, wire ring making teacher, fashion show.
Il-Kha’an Suuder Saran, pointy things, viceroy.
Il-Khatun Lada Monguligin, scribal demo, vicereine.
Lord Þórfinn Hróðgeirsson, spinning teacher, fashion show.
Jean de la Rue, bearer of burdens, setup & takedown.
Lord Seamus of Arindale, fighter.
Baroness Sorcha of Stonegrave, chatelaine.
Baroness Suzanne Neuber de Londres, chatelaine.
Lady Sorcha de Barry of Coill Tuar, chatelaine.
Lady Juliana le Chaluner of An Dubhaigeainn, chatelaine.
Lady Nyfain merch Coel of Rusted Woodlands, chatelaine.
Lady Aislinn of An Dubhaigeainn, chatelaine.
Stephanie of Østgarðr
Lord Reuben the Curious
Lady Branimira of the Isles, embroidery, taker of names, setup & takedown.
Lord Özurr the Bootgiver, armored fighter.
Lady Elizabeth nic Ian merchenting
Alysaundre Sherre de Saford
Gawain Enlil Mackay, fighter.
Luna Vega
Lord Muiredach of Ostgardr
Thomas Trueheart
Lady Zippora DuBois of Buckland Cross
Stanislaus Polanski of Buckland Cross
Michelle of Brokenbridge
Jade of Settmour Swamp
Kate Regina
Anne, setup & takedown.
Samantha Rosas
Bella of Carillion
Franklin of Gryphonwald
Bayan Hanover
Padraig of Midland Vale
Marta of Midland Vale
Frank Ehlers
Sarah McGill
Victoria, setup & takedown.
Here was our layout on the day — you can see what an enormous effort was required to meet & greet, entertain & educate the near-constant stream of visitors with our armored combat, fencing, youth combat, lampworking, blacksmithing, pointy weapons, scribal, dancing, fashion, hats, embroidery, masks, games, children’s activities (catapult, brass rubbings,…), wire ring making, spinning and MORE!