Evening in the Solar, December 2017

Please join us this Thursday, December 15th, at our usual time (7:30pm) and place, 255 W. 105th St, #21 to practice Medieval Bookbinding!

This is a class on the basic principles of medieval bookbinding, as taught to Lady Beatrice della Rocca by Lady Linden le Bukere at this past Pennsic. We will be binding sections of pages together onto a harder paper cover. We will be using modern materials to save cost. At the end of the class, everyone should have a little book to take home with them. All materials will be provided.

Dinner will be mushroom barley stew — one pot with pork and another without. Then fruit with cream for dessert. Basically a reprise of last winter’s Iron Age feast. Because YUM!

[Update, Dec 15:] Lady Alienor is fighting off a cold and has spent most of the day in bed rather than preparing the promised stew, so we’re going to have to settle for fancy pizza instead. Maybe next time! —Mathghamhain

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