January Commons Minutes

Our canton’s quarterly business meeting was held on Monday, January 29, 2024. The minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain are attached below. 


  • Alienor Salton, Seneschal
  • Zahra de Andaluzia, Exchequer
  • Angelica di Nova Lipa, Chatelaine
  • Ibrahim al-Rashid, Arts and Sciences
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald & Webminister
  • Ronan

Provincial guests:

  • Ragnarr, Østgarðr Seneschal
  • Jenna Childslayer



  • Alienor: Welcome back! I’m now mostly recovered, but have been sick and out of commission for a long stretch of this winter, so I don’t have much to report.


  • Zahra: Our financial reports for this quarter have been filed with the kingdom.
  • Mathghamhain: I’ll follow up with you about posting the summary portions of that report to our website as required by Corpora.


  • Angelica: My office has been very quiet. No direct emails or contacts with newcomers.
  • If you notice someone new show up at an event or in one of our social media channels, please let me know so I can welcome them!

Arts and Sciences

  • Ibrahim: Our workshop this fall was a success; largesse was delivered to the royals.
  • I look forward to resuming museum visits; my schedule doesn’t alway allow me to join, but it’s great that we’re taking advantage of the opportunity our city provides.
  • If anyone missed our canton’s trip to the Cloisters’ exhibit “Rich Man, Poor Man,” this week is your final chance before it closes. 


  • Mathghamhain: I have filed my quarterly report with the kingdom heralds.
  • Our canton name change was finally accepted and registered in December. 
  • I’m sorry that process took so long; the College delayed the passage by five months in order to debate and then establish a new policy allowing branches to retain their old names during a change.


  • Mathghamhain: I have filed my quarterly report with the kingdom webministry.
  • I’ve updated the branch name on the web site, and worked with the webministry to migrate it to the new domain name.
  • All officers should now be able to send and receive email using the new domain name.
  • Email to the old domain name can still be received, perhaps for the next year or so.
  • Officers, when filing your next report to your kingdom counterparts, please remind them of the name change and ask them to switch your office address in their address book, office-related mailing lists, and office-related Google Drive permissions.
  • I still need to switch the populace and officer mailing lists to use the new domain names.

Upcoming Activity

  • Mathghamhain: I had planned to organize an outing to the Met’s “Africa and Byzantium” exhibit during January, but illness prevented it — let’s select a new date.
  • Saturday, February 24 seems like it would work for a bunch of us; I’ll announce it.
  • Alienor: The largesse workshop in November was really pleasant; I’d love to do more of these casual shared group activity days (rather than formal classes as such).
  • Angelica: Yes, that would be lovely.
  • Ibrahim: My building has a street-level garden that could be used for a craft night.
  • Alienor: Would people like to resume dancing when it’s warm enough outdoors? 
  • Zahra: Yes, definitely.
  • Angelica: We could also consider early music concerts. There’s a Gothic early music series at St Malachy’s in midtown on Thursday afternoons.
  • Mathghamhain: I reached out to the WHIDC about the Fort Tryon medieval festival they typically hold on the last weekend of September or first weekend of October.
  • I haven’t heard back yet, but in past years they didn’t really get moving on this until the spring, so it’s too early to know whether they’re going to hold it again this year.

Events Elsewhere

  • Ibrahim: On March 2, Crown A&S Championships (Quintavia — Worcester, MA) will also have an option for non-competitive display.
  • Ronan: On March 23, at Mudthaw (Settmour — NJ), a friend of ours is receiving an award. (Probably not transit friendly, but maybe could car service from NJ Transit?)
  • Also considering going to Coronation, on April 6 (Concordia — Schenectady).
  • Jenna: On May 18, Lions End Schola will host the provincial A&S championship (Glen Head); the site is easily accessible by transit.


  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:30, followed by a few minutes of socializing.