All posts by Simon Talbot

A virtual Evening in the Solar, May 7th

Please join us Thursday, May 7, at 7:30pm for a class on Geometric Clothing Construction, taught by Lord Ibrahim al-Rashid.
This class will discuss how clothing can be constructed from simple geometric shapes, based on extant garments from various times and places in the SCA period. Strategies for fitting and sizing to the individual will be discussed.

  • Join with Google Meet

WordPress Upgrade Sunday April 12

I wish to upgrade the version of WordPress that this site uses. Doing so will put the site into “Maintenance mode” during which you can neither see nor write content. I estimate the duration of this maintenance will be substantially less than half an hour and I propose to do this on the morning of Sunday April 12, at around 9 AM.

The upgrade will not affect how the site works or appears after it is complete. It adds a few new features of interest to site authors and admins, and of course corrects many existing bugs and security issues.

If this will cause you any problems, please leave a comment below.

In Service,
