The Canton Needs YOU!
Whyt Whey has a number of officer transitions coming up in the next several months. Volunteer now and learn the ropes – you’ll be ready to roll when the world opens up again! Reach out to the Whyt Whey Officer List if you would like to learn more.
All officers, including deputies, must be paid-up members of the SCA. (If you wish to be a member but have financial challenges, there are resources to assist – just reach out!) Seneschal and Exchequer, and their deputies, must live in the boundaries of the Canton.
(The astute observer will note that we currently have Deputies for the Seneschal & Exchequer – but they’re what’s known as “drop-dead” deputies, i.e., will take the reins in an emergency. What we’re looking for is folk who will wish to step up into the full office in the next 6-18 months.)
- Deputy Seneschal (committing to step up to Seneschal no later than January) (required). The Seneschal is the official chapter president, and is ultimately responsible to make sure that all business in the Canton is carried on according to SCA Corpora, East Kingdom Law (and of course actual law as well). Duties include:
- Conducting Commons meetings
- Filing quarterly reports to Kingdom, and monthly reports to the Provincial Seneschal. (It’s easy and quick.)
- Responsibility for monitoring Whyt Whey social media (since we don’t have a Social Media Officer)
- Advising fellow officers on law & policy
- Drop-dead deputy event steward for any events hosted by Whyt Whey
- Deputy Exchequer (with intent to eventually step up to Exchequer): The Exchequer is the official chapter treasurer; responsible for stewardship of the Canton’s funds and property. Duties include:
- Filing quarterly reports to Kingdom
- Balancing budgets for expenditures and Events (we don’t have a lot of these…)
- Managing the Canton’s bank account
- Herald. The Herald assists members of the Canton with registering names & arms/devices, whether personally, for households, etc. They could also assist as “voice” heralds at Canton or Provinical courts. Duties include:
- Consultation & research on names and devices
- Helping populace members with filing registration paperwork
- Filing quarterly reports to Kingdom
Help keep the medieval machine running – volunteer today!