The minutes from the October Commons are available for viewing.
The next commons will be January, 2020. The November Solar will be on Nov. 7, and will be a class on 16th century clothing (in preparation for Twelfth Night).
The minutes from the October Commons are available for viewing.
The next commons will be January, 2020. The November Solar will be on Nov. 7, and will be a class on 16th century clothing (in preparation for Twelfth Night).
Please join us on Thursday, October 3rd, for a Commons meeting and an Evening in the Solar.
This is our usual quarterly commons and business meeting. If you have anything you’d like to put on the agenda, please email the Seneschal. (Also, bring receipts from recent demos for reimbursement.)
Following Commons, please stay for a class on Introduction to Natural Dyeing, taught by Lord Þórfinnr Hróðgeirsson! We will explore dyeing with the chief trifecta of European dyes: madder red, weld yellow and woad blue.
If you wish to actively take part in dyeing, please wear clothing that can get stained very permanently, and bring a clean, white protein fiber such as wool. We will most likely be dyeing blue, as it is the quickest. If you wish to dye red or yellow, please reach out to Þórfinnr ahead of time so we can get you set up.
Different location: The Commons and the Solar will be hosted at Þórfinnr‘s: 165 W. 66th St., Apt. 4E. Commons will begin at 7pm, and the solar will follow.
The minutes from the September Commons are available for viewing.
The next commons (& Solar) will be Oct. 3, but not at the usual location. Please stay tuned for updates.
Please join us on Thursday, September 5, for a Commons meeting and an Evening in the Solar.
This is our usual non-quarterly commons and business meeting; the primary topic will be the upcoming demo at the New York Medieval Festival on Sep. 29. If you have anything else you’d like to put on the agenda, please email
Following Commons, please stay for a roundtable on “Share what you leaned at Pennsic!” What cool/interesting/illuminating classes did you take? Bring any handouts or details you’d like to share.
We will be at the usual location, 255 W. 105th St., #21. Commons will begin at 7pm, and the solar will follow.
The minutes from the July Commons are available for viewing.
The next commons will be September 5. No Solar is currently scheduled for August, due to Pennsic.
Due to a family emergency, our Commons and Solar tonight are moving to Thorfinnr’s apartment.
Please join us on Thursday, July 11, for a Commons meeting and an Evening in the Solar.
This is our usual quarterly commons and business meeting. If you have anything you’d like to put on the agenda, please email
Following Commons, please stay for the class – two classes, in fact! “Sit & Spin”, and “Prep for Pennsic”. The former is a hands-on spinning tutorial, and the latter is an open session to get help with any of your Pennsic projects.
We will be at the usual location, 255 W. 105th St., #21. Commons will begin at 7pm, and the solar will follow.
Please join us Thursday, June 6th, at the usual time (7:30pm) and place (255 W. 105th St, #21) for a class on scrimshaw carving. All are welcome, no prior experience necessary – just bring your enthusiasm! Supplies & tools will be on hand. There will be a discussion on beginning bone carving as well.
Please join us Thursday, May 2nd, at the usual time (7:30pm) and place (255 W. 105th St, #21) for a class of culinary delights offered by Lord Ibrahim al-Rashid!
We’ll be talking about medieval food – specifically, the food of al-Andalus (Muslim Spain). Ibrahim will talk about what we know of food in al-Andalus while we do some food prep for the upcoming Siege of Granada event.
The minutes from the April Commons are available for viewing.
The next Commons will be in July (but probably not July 4, the ordinarily scheduled date. Updates to follow). Solars continue in the interim!